This is documentation for all of Compojure's functions and macros, arranged alphabetically within namespace.

Table Of Content

  1. compojure.control

    1. apply-doc
    2. decorate
    3. decorate-bind
    4. decorate-with
    5. deftmpl
    6. domap
    7. maybe
    8. redef
    9. return
  2. compojure.crypto

    1. decrypt
    2. decrypt-bytes
    3. encrypt
    4. encrypt-bytes
    5. gen-iv-param
    6. gen-key
    7. gen-uuid
    8. hmac
    9. secure-random-bytes
    10. strict-seq=
  3. compojure.encodings

    1. base64-decode
    2. base64-decode-bytes
    3. base64-encode-bytes
    4. decode-hex
    5. encode-hex
    6. marshal
    7. unmarshal
    8. urldecode
    9. urlencode
  4. compojure.html.form-helpers

    1. *params*
    2. check-box
    3. decorate-fields
    4. drop-down
    5. file-upload
    6. form-to
    7. hidden-field
    8. label
    9. password-field
    10. reset-button
    11. select-options
    12. submit-button
    13. text-area
    14. text-field
    15. with-params
  5. compojure.html.gen

    1. escape-html
    2. explicit-ending-tag?
    3. h
    4. html
    5. html-tree
    6. optional-attrs
  6. compojure.html.page-helpers

    1. include-css
    2. include-js
    3. javascript-tag
    4. link-to
    5. ordered-list
    6. unordered-list
    7. url-encode
    8. url-params
    9. xhtml-tag
  7. compojure.http.helpers

    1. content-type
    2. header-option
    3. header-options
    4. page-not-found
    5. redirect-to
    6. serve-file
    7. set-cookie
    8. with-cache-control
    9. with-headers
  8. compojure.http.multipart

    1. get-multipart-params
    2. multipart-form?
    3. parse-multipart-params
    4. with-multipart
  9. compojure.http.request

    1. assoc-cookies
    2. assoc-params
    3. get-character-encoding
    4. parse-cookies
    5. parse-form-params
    6. parse-query-params
    7. urlencoded-form?
    8. with-cookies
    9. with-request-params
  10. compojure.http.response

    1. create-response
    2. default-response
    3. update-response
  11. compojure.http.routes

    1. ANY
    2. DELETE
    3. GET
    4. HEAD
    5. POST
    6. PUT
    7. absolute-url?
    8. assoc-route-params
    9. compile-matcher
    10. compile-route
    11. compile-uri-matcher
    12. defroutes
    13. get-matcher-uri
    14. match-method
    15. match-uri
    16. request-matcher
    17. request-url
    18. routes
    19. routes*
    20. with-request-bindings
  12. compojure.http.servlet

    1. create-request
    2. defservice
    3. request-handler
    4. servlet
    5. update-servlet-response
  13. compojure.http.session

    1. alter-session
    2. assoc-expiry
    3. assoc-flash
    4. assoc-session
    5. create-session
    6. destroy-session
    7. flash-assoc
    8. read-session
    9. save-handler-session
    10. session-assoc
    11. session-cookie
    12. session-crypt
    13. session-dissoc
    14. session-expired?
    15. session-hmac
    16. set-session
    17. set-session-cookie
    18. timestamp-after
    19. with-session
    20. write-session
  14. compojure.map-utils

    1. assoc-vec
  15. compojure.ns-utils

    1. immigrate
  16. compojure.server.common

    1. get-host-and-path
    2. server-with-options
  17. compojure.server.jetty

    1. add-servlet!
    2. defserver
    3. get-context
    4. jetty-server
    5. run-server
    6. servlet-holder
    7. start
    8. stop
  18. compojure.str-utils

    1. blank?
    2. capitalize
    3. escape
    4. grep
    5. indent
    6. lines
    7. map-str
    8. re-escape
    9. str*
    10. upcase-name
  19. compojure.validation

    1. *errors*
    2. error-class
    3. error-summary
    4. merge-errors
    5. validate
    6. validation
    7. validation-errors?
    8. with-validated-params
    9. with-validation
  20. compojure.validation.predicates

    1. max-size
    2. present?


(apply-doc name doc? body)

Return a symbol and body with an optional docstring applied.

(decorate func & decorators)


Wrap a function in one or more decorators.

(decorate-bind decorator funcs & body)


Wrap named functions in a decorator for a bounded scope.

(decorate-with decorator & funcs)


Wrap multiple functions in a decorator.

(deftmpl name doc? & body)


Define a template function. Arguments are passed via key-value pairs. e.g. (deftmpl foo [bar baz] (+ bar baz)) (foo :bar 1 :baz 2)

(domap [item list] & body)


Similar to doseq, but collects the results into a sequence.

(maybe f x & xs)


Returns (f x & xs) if x is not nil, otherwise returns nil.

(redef name value)


Redefine an existing value, keeping the metadata intact.

(return x & body)


A do block that will always return the argument 'x'.


(decrypt key algorithm params s)

Base64 encodes and encrypts a string with the given key and algorithm.

(decrypt-bytes key algorithm params data)

Decrypts a byte array with the given key and algorithm.

(encrypt key algorithm params s)

Base64 encodes and encrypts a string with the given key and algorithm.

(encrypt-bytes key algorithm params data)

Encrypts a byte array with the given key and algorithm.

(gen-iv-param size)

Generates a random IvParameterSpec for use with CBC encryption algorithms.

(gen-key algorithm size)

Generates a SecretKey of the specified algorithm and size.

(gen-uuid )

Generate a random UUID.

(hmac key algorithm data)

Generate a hashed message authentication code with the supplied key and algorithm on some string data.

(secure-random-bytes size)

(secure-random-bytes size algorithm)

Returns a random byte array of the specified size and algorithm. Defaults to SHA1PRNG.

(strict-seq= x y)

Like = for sequences, but always check every value in a sequence.


(base64-decode encoded)

Decode a string using base64.

(base64-decode-bytes encoded)

Decode a string using base64 into an array of bytes.

(base64-encode-bytes unencoded)

Encode an array of bytes into a base64 encoded string.

(decode-hex s)

Converts a string of hex into it's corresponding byte array.

(encode-hex array)

Converts a byte array into it's corresponding hex String.

(marshal data)

Serialize a Clojure object in a base64-encoded string.

(unmarshal marshaled)

Unserialize a Clojure object from a base64-encoded string.

(urldecode s)

Decode a urlencoded string using the default encoding.

(urlencode s)

Encode a urlencoded string using the default encoding.



Parameter map var that form input field functions use to populate their default values.

(check-box name)

(check-box name checked?)

(check-box name checked? value)

Creates a check box.

(decorate-fields decorator & body)


Wrap all input field functions in a decorator.

(drop-down name options)

(drop-down name options selected)

Creates a drop-down box using the 'select' tag.

(file-upload name)

Creates a file upload input.

(form-to [method action] & body)

Create a form that points to a particular method and route. e.g. (form-to [:put "/post"] ...)

(hidden-field name)

(hidden-field name value)

Creates a hidden input field.

(label name text)

Create a label for an input field with the supplied name.

(password-field name)

Creates a password input field.

(reset-button text)

Create a form reset button.

(select-options options)

(select-options options selected)

Turn a collection into a set of option tags.

(submit-button text)

Create a submit button.

(text-area name)

(text-area name value)

Creates a text area element.

(text-field name)

(text-field name value)

Creates a text input field.

(with-params params & body)


Bind a map of params to *params*.


(escape-html string)

Change special characters into HTML character entities.

(explicit-ending-tag? tag)

Returns true if tag needs an explicit ending tag, even if the body of the tag is empty.


Shortcut for escape-html

(html & trees)

Format trees of vectors into a string of HTML.

(html-tree tree)

Turns a tree of vectors into a string of HTML. Any sequences in the tree are expanded out.

(optional-attrs func)

Adds an optional attribute map to the supplied function's arguments.


(include-css & styles)

Include a list of external stylesheet files.

(include-js & scripts)

Include a list of external javascript files.

(javascript-tag script)

Wrap the supplied javascript up in script tags and a CDATA section.

(link-to url & content)

Wraps some content in a HTML hyperlink with the supplied URL.

(ordered-list coll)

Wrap a collection in an unordered list

(unordered-list coll)

Wrap a collection in an unordered list

(url-encode string-or-map)

Encodes a single string or sequence of key/value pairs.

(url-params address param-map)

Encodes a map of parameters and adds them onto the end of an existing address. e.g. (url-params "http://example.com" {:lang "en", :offset 10}) => "http://example.com?lang=en&offset=10"

(xhtml-tag lang & contents)

Create an XHTML tag for the specified locale. e.g. (xhtml "en" [:head ...] [:body ...])


(content-type type)

Retuns a Content-Type header given a type string.

(header-option [k v])

Converts a header option KeyValue into a string.

(header-options m delim)

Converts a map into an HTTP header options string.

(page-not-found )

(page-not-found filename)

A shortcut to create a '404 Not Found' HTTP response.

(redirect-to location)

A shortcut for a '302 Moved' HTTP redirect.

(serve-file path)

(serve-file root path)

Attempts to serve up a static file from a directory, which defaults to './public'. Nil is returned if the file does not exist. If the file is a directory, the function looks for a file in the directory called 'index.*'.

(set-cookie name value)

(set-cookie name value & attrs)

Return a Set-Cookie header.

(with-cache-control handler m)

Middleware to set the Cache-Control http header. Map entries with boolean values either write their key's (name) if true, or nothing if false. Example: (... {:max-age 3600 :public false :must-revalidate true}) Cache-Control: max-age=3600, must-revalidate

(with-headers handler headers)

Merges a map of header name and values into the response. Will not overwrite existing headers.


(get-multipart-params request)

Retrieve multipart params from the request.

(multipart-form? request)

Does a request have a multipart form?

(parse-multipart-params request)

Parse a map of multipart parameters from the request.

(with-multipart handler)

Decorate a Ring handler with multipart parameters.


(assoc-cookies request)

Associate cookies with a request map.

(assoc-params request)

Associate urlencoded parameters with a request. The following keys are added to the request map: :query-params, :form-params and :params.

(get-character-encoding request)

Get the character encoding, or use the default from duck-streams.

(parse-cookies request)

Pull out a map of cookies from a request map.

(parse-form-params request)

Parse urlencoded form parameters from the request body.

(parse-query-params request)

Parse parameters from the query string.

(urlencoded-form? request)

Does a request have a urlencoded form?

(with-cookies handler)

Decorator that adds cookies to a request map.

(with-request-params handler)

Decorator that adds urlencoded parameters to the request map.


(create-response request x)

Create a new response map from an update object, x.


Default HTTP response map.


Update a response with an object. The type of object determines how the response is updated.


(ANY path & body)


Generate a route that matches any method.

(DELETE path & body)


Generate a DELETE route.

(GET path & body)


Generate a GET route.

(HEAD path & body)


Generate a HEAD route.

(POST path & body)


Generate a POST route.

(PUT path & body)


Generate a PUT route.

(absolute-url? s)

True if the string is an absolute URL.

(assoc-route-params request params)

Associate route parameters with the request map.


Compile a string or regex into a form suitable for buing passed to the match-uri function.

(compile-route method path body)

Compile a route in the form (method path & body) into a function.

(compile-uri-matcher path)

Compile a path string using the routes syntax into a uri-matcher struct.

(defroutes name doc? & routes)


Define a Ring handler function from a sequence of routes. Takes an optional doc-string.

(get-matcher-uri path request)

Get the appropriate request URI for the given path pattern.

(match-method method request)

True if this request matches the supplied method.


Match a URL against a compiled URI-matcher or a regular expression. Returns the matched URI keywords as a map, or the matched regex groups as a vector.

(request-matcher method path)


Compiles a function to match a HTTP request against the supplied method and path template. Returns a map of the route parameters if the is a match, nil otherwise. Precompiles the route when supplied with a literal string.

(request-url request)

Return the complete URL for the request.

(routes & handlers)

Create a Ring handler by combining several routes into one. Adds parameters and cookies to the request.

(routes* & handlers)

Create a Ring handler by combining several handlers into one.

(with-request-bindings request & body)


Add shortcut bindings for the keys in a request map.


(create-request request servlet)

Create the request map from the HttpServletRequest object.

(defservice routes)

(defservice prefix routes)


Defines a service method with an optional prefix suitable for being used by genclass to compile a HttpServlet class. e.g. (defservice my-routes) (defservice "my-prefix-" my-routes)

(request-handler [servlet request response] routes)

Handle incoming HTTP requests from a servlet.

(servlet routes)

Create a servlet from a sequence of routes. Automatically updates if the routes binding is redefined.

(update-servlet-response response {:keys [status headers body]})

Update the HttpServletResponse using a response map.


(alter-session func & args)

Use a function to alter the session.

(assoc-expiry repository session)

Associate an :expires-at key with the session if the session repository contains the :expires key.

(assoc-flash request)

Associate the session flash with the request and remove it from the session.

(assoc-session request repository)

Associate the session with the request.


Create a new session map. Should not attempt to save the session.


Remove the session from the session store.

(flash-assoc & keyvals)

Associate key value pairs with the session flash.


Read in the session using the supplied data. Usually the data is a key used to find the session in a store.

(save-handler-session repository request response session)

Save the session for a handler if required.

(session-assoc & keyvals)

Associate key value pairs with the session.


Return the session data to be stored in the cookie. This is usually the session ID.

(session-crypt repository func session)

Encrypt or decrypt session data.

(session-dissoc & keys)

Dissociate keys from the session.

(session-expired? session)

True if this session's timestamp is in the past.

(session-hmac repository cookie-data)

Calculate a HMAC for a marshalled session. Uses the :hash-key and :hash-algorithm of the :encryption repository map.

(set-session session)

Return a response map with the session set.

(set-session-cookie repository request response session)

Set the session cookie on the response if required.

(timestamp-after seconds)

Return the current time plus seconds as milliseconds.

(with-session handler)

(with-session handler repository)

Wrap a handler in a session of the specified type. Session type defaults to :memory if not supplied.


Write a new or existing session to the session store.


(assoc-vec map key val)

Associate a key with a value. If the key already exists in the map, create a vector of values.


(immigrate & ns-names)

Create a public var in this namespace for each public var in the namespaces named by ns-names. The created vars have the same name, value, and metadata as the original except that their :ns metadata value is this namespace.


(get-host-and-path url-or-path)

Splits a path or URL into its hostname and path.

(server-with-options creator options servlets)

Create a new server using the supplied function, options and servlets.


(add-servlet! server url-or-path servlet)

Add a servlet to a Jetty server. Servlets can be connected to a relative path or an absolute URL. When connected to a URL, the function will try and use the hostname to set up a virtual host. Wildcards for the domain and path are allowed.

(defserver name & args)


Shortcut for (def name (http-server args))

(get-context server)

(get-context server host)

Get a Context instance for a server and hostname.

(jetty-server options? & servlets)

Create a new Jetty HTTP server with the supplied options and servlets.

(run-server & server-args)

Create and start a new Jetty HTTP server.

(servlet-holder servlet & params)

Wrap a servlet in a ServletHolder object with a supplied set of parameters to be set on servlet init.

(start server)

Start a HTTP server.

(stop server)

Stop a HTTP server.


(blank? s)

True if s = "" or nil

(capitalize s)

Uppercase the first letter of a string, and lowercase the rest.

(escape chars string)

Returns a string with each occurance of a character in chars escaped.

(grep re coll)

Filter a collection of strings by a regex.

(indent text)

(indent text spacer)

Indent each line in a string of text. Defaults to an indentation of two spaces.

(lines coll)

Concatenate a sequence of strings into lines of a single string.

(map-str func coll)

Map a function to a collection, then concatenate the results into a string.

(re-escape string)

Escape all special regex chars in string.

(str* & args)

A version of str that prefers the names of Named objects. e.g (str "Hello " :World) => "Hello :World" (str* "Hello " :World) => "Hello World"

(upcase-name sym)

Upcase a symbol or keyword's name.



Var containing validation errors.

(error-class func)

Decorator function that marks an input field with an error class if the parameter has errors.

(error-summary )

Returns a summary of the errors on the form in HTML.

(merge-errors & results)

Merge a set of validation errors into a single hash map.

(validate params pred message)

(validate params name pred message)

Validate a single parameter, or group of parameters, using a predicate. If the predicate fails, a validation error is returned. For a single parameter, use the following form: (validate params name pred message) This will use the value of (pred (params name)) to determine if the parameter is valid. For multiple parameters: (validate params pred message) This will use the value of (pred params) to determine validity.

(validation params & validations)

Convinience function to perform a series of validations on a map of params. Takes a set of params and a collection of argument vectors for the validate function: e.g. (validation params [name pred message] [pred message]) Is the same as: (merge-errors (validate params name pred message) (validate params pred message))

(validation-errors? )

True if there are errors in the var *errors*.

(with-validated-params params validation-fn & body)


Equivalent to (with-params params (with-validation validation-fn)).

(with-validation validation-fn & body)


Binds *errors* to (validation-fn *params*).


(max-size n)

Returns a function to check a maximum size of a collection.

(present? x)

True if x is not nil and not an empty string.