The html function generates a string of HTML from a tree of vectors. This allows HTML to be defined without the need for external template files.

(html [:p "Hello World"]) => "<p>Hello World</p>"

The first item of the vector defines the tag name. This can be a string, symbol or keyword.

The second item can optionally be a map. This defines the set of attributes on the tag.

(html [:img {:src "logo.png"}]) => "<img src=\"logo.png\"/>"

Any further items in the vector are considered to be part of the tag's content. This can also include nested vectors.

(html [:p "Hi " [:em "World"]]) => "<p>Hi <em>World</em></p>"

Any sequence in the vector is automatically expanded.

(html [:p (list "AB" "CD" "EF")]) => "<p>ABCDEF</p>"

This can be useful for producting HTML from sequences of data. For example:

(defn unordered-list [items]
    (for [item items]
      [:li items])])

For defining "id" and "class" attributes, the html function has some syntax sugar based on CSS selectors.

(html [:p.greet "Hello"]) => "<p class=\"greet\">Hello</p>"

(html [:h1#title "About"]) => "<h1 id=\"title\">About</h1>"